Sunday, October 21, 2018

10.21.18 One and done.....

     Don't know why but I was casting by 415 am, again. Wind switched around now NW. Not bd early but honking by mid-morning. Like last night it was a lot of casts and a lot of walking back and forth looking for any signs. Didn't see much bait, no splashes and only birds at the end of the session. 

     I was lucky enough to get one about and hour and half in. I was on the groin and fishing the south side. Water was flat and I caught about an hour or so on the flood and the slack and then the ebb. 

      I didn't like the water clarity yesterday and din't like it today. It wasn't chocolate milk but that sandy-suspension kind of off-color. Couple that with water that is flat and it just look or feel fishy. Wind is "supposed" to sit down tomorrow mid-morning and I'm looking to run the bait so if you'd like a half day trip give me a call. Bass or albies, last minute weather call depending. 732 261 7291