Tuesday, March 29, 2022
03.29.22 Ouch.....
Monday, March 28, 2022
03.28.22 I love memes....
Saturday, March 26, 2022
03.26.22 Now this is a relevant, hyper-local "The Fly Fishing Show".....
Wow, I really wish I lived closer. Today was the Fly Fishing Expo of Long Island. If you run The Fly Fishing Show, take a peek, this is what anglers want. Has TFFS "jumped the shark" as they say in the telesison and movie industry? Look back at my thoughts on this years TFFS, look what was offered, look at the topics of the presentations. This show is for local anglers, who fish, and who want to come to show and not be overwhelmed with mind clutter about Belize, Ireland, Patagonia, and all of those other out-of-my-league booshie entitled trips that you will never take. And don't tell me about Covid, or snowstorms, or the Super Bowl.....
If I claim New Jersey has the best striped bass fishery on the East Coast, and there is the Upper Delaware trout fishery, wouldn't that be your focus? Or focus on how to fish in the most populated portion of our country? Nope, they have missed the boat, jumped the shark. Just look at what I could have seen and listened to if I took the 2-1/2 hour drive from Titsusville, NJ to Hauppauge, Long Island.
03.26.22 Here's some things....
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
03.23.22 I think we're gonna be shut down for a few days...
This morning I was surprised how chilly it was when I opened the back door. Down to 41, just a cold 41. And that changed the direction of the water temps. Yes, they fluctuate with tides and are temps, but we're going to have potential of a lot of rain, overcast skies, and blistery temps this weekend.
Now the fish are on the move, but will they chew? I don't think so. Next week will be better.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
03.22.22 On the board for spring 2022....

03.22.22 River and bay amphibious boat ready for action....
My pain persists. 22 days so far without a fish, let alone a hit. I'm switching between two herring flies, light and dark, days and nights. Today it was a before first-light outing on the start of the outgoing tide. My heart sank for a minute when I found, what I thought was a kayak, a canoe stuck in the rocks. Luckily, it looks like it wasn't being used for fishing at the time and may have been in the river for a bit, but, this is the time people go out and do some pretty not-so-smart things for fish. Be smart!

Sunday, March 20, 2022
03.20.22 Grinding it out, again......
Saturday, March 19, 2022
03.19.22 C'mon man......
Alright, here we go, we're over 50, yes, in both age and water temperatures. It should be, or real close, to go time. Started the day before work. Full Worm Moon in full effect on the start of the ebb tide. Sadly, passed a fatal accident on Route 29 ajust on the outskirts of the city. Then while on the Turnpike
Friday, March 18, 2022
03.18.22 Alright, so no Friday fish, but that's okay.....
the more stuck leg out isn't easy, luckily I am so nimble. I figured a long walk would be rewarded with bass pushing around herring, cormorants are now here, in what was left of the moon ebb tide.