Thursday, January 23, 2025
01.23.25 I'm still holding out hope...
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
01.22.25 How about those fish being harvested for market?...
It's interesting watching the recent posts about Maryland's rockfish open commercial fishery. Looking at the image above I had to wonder about just which fish are being harvested. Are these pre-spawn striped bass that are staging, yes even now, in the Chesapeake Bay?
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
01.21.25 Donald Trump takes office, again...
Yesterday Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America. As with any other person who takes that oath, he is mine, and your, President. I hope for our country's sake he serves us all well and we can unite together to continue to make the United States the greatest country on earth. I do feel however, that the glory days of this country are behind us. For some reason I put the 1950's through the 1970's as the best years. But that wasn't for all of us, and, I wasn't around so it's all in head.
While there will always be opinion, and division, amongst us, at the end of the day we can only control ourselves and live and be the best we can be. So on the day of the inauguration it was also the day we remember and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr, one of the most prolific Americans that ever called the United States home.
Monday, January 20, 2025
01.20.25 Just an update on the "Brine Fly Grab Bag"...
So this is directed to the few who showed interest in taking part of the Brine Fly Grab Bag. I was looking for 20 people to be in and it fizzled out, this time, around 7. The timing would have been good as most of those wanting in attend TFFS and it could have been an easy delivery.
I'll revisit this again in the future and we'll get it done one way or another. Thanks to those who showed interest in this. See you at The Fly Fishing Show.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
01.19.25 Maryland's Chesapeake Bay winter commercial fishery....
The commercial fishery for striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay is alive and, well let's say alive. I'm not sure if it's good, especially for the striped bass, but it's happening. This post isn't meant to pick on the shareholders, as they say, but to share things going on while you battle Cabin Fever.
As you know we have no commercial fishery for striped bass here in New Jersey. That was eliminated back in the early 1990's when New Jersey went to a Gamefish Status for striped bass. People are always calling for "Make it a Gamefish", well we have that already here in New Jersey. Our commercial quotas were transferred over to the Striped Bass Bonus Program (SBBP).
What Gamefish means is there is no commercial fishing, but you can still target and harvest on the recreational side. Some would argue this is stupid because the rec side accounts, if you believe the science and data, for nearly 90% of striped bass mortality between harvest and catch and release mortality. According to that same "data", the commercial fishery on the ocean side and inside the Chesapeake Bay accounts for only 10%, with only 1% accounted for in dead discards.
While you are tying your flies or attending the various fly or plug shows that help cure Cabin Fever over the winter, hard core waterman down in the Chesapeake are hard at working harvesting striped bass for market. I've talked about how and where Chesapeake fish, in my limited knowledge, winter over and stage for whatever kind of spring spawning run exists in the CB tributaries. While it may be cold out, and we're bracing for some more snow and a Polar Vortex, those fish have already moved in and are weathering the winter weather in anticipation of rising water temps and the baits own migration.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
01.18.25 Looks like I might follow beach nourishment when we head south...
Thursday, January 16, 2025
1.16.25 Nice tribute to Bob in TAIL magazine...
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
01.14.25 Some upcoming events honoring Bob Popovics...
There are a few events happening this month to honor Bob Popovics. At The Fly Fishing Show on January 25th Bob's friend Lance Erwin will accept the Izaak Walton Award from the American Museum of Fly Fishing on his behalf. Last year representatives from AMFF made the trip down to New Jersey to notify him of this deserved accomplishment. Your entrance ticket into the show will give you access to the presentation honoring Bob.
Monday, January 13, 2025
01.13.25 Finally sat down for some practice....
Sunday, January 12, 2025
01.12.25 "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son"....
That was the famous movie line delivered by Dean Wormer to John "Pluto" Blutarsky in the 1978 movie The Animal House. Can you imagine that that movie came out nearly 50 years ago? But it's what I thought of when I chose to jump on the scale yesterday for my 57th birthday. Standing in our bathroom butt naked peering down over my belly to see the state of my weight. And it wasn't good.
I forwent the annual New Year's Day new-life and decided to wait until this Monday to begin anew. The stressors of the fall semester coupled with the Thanksgiving through birthday chow downs had me thinking that January 13th would be my day. It's a good day because Theresa brought me home a bagel yesterday for my birthday and I joined my buddy Marc for a couple of mid-day pints of Guinness at a local tavern.
I usually try and take a photo or two of the anglers that are with me on every outing, that includes a pic taken from someone else or a selfie. Each time I look at one of me I see how horribly wrong my profile is. From an Alfred Hitchcock "Good Evening" profile, to a poorly positioned striping basket, I always am left saying, "I have to do something about that."