Hey whoever still comes and visits. I know my postings have been sporadic, and, well, that's just because that's the way it is. We're getting used to living "out west" and we absolutely love it. It means less opportunities on the beach but I am figuring out how to work it into my schedule. I have left Monmouth Medical to concentrate on my last year at Monmouth University. Balancing school and the clinical component is challenging.
Good news is I am guiding full time this fall, walk and wade or boat trips. If you are interested in getting out, for the first time or not, give me a call 732 261 7291 or email me at colin@theaverageangler.com
Speaking of the boat. It's all ready to go. Had it out for a run the other day and will be back out this week looking for albies and bass.
With Florence here and gone and the Harvest Moon about to pass Monday night the mullet and other baits should be starting to move. I have been out a handful of times the past week or so and have done well each time, except once, where I had the mid-morning skunk. They are smaller fish, 18-26 inches mostly. I expect bigger fish to start moving in when they get a wiff of the bait. The rain bait is around and the albies love that, along with the spearing and tiny peanuts, so we will start targeting them in the boat. I have been making some stops at the inlet but usually only find blues ripping through bait on the moving tides.
On Friday I joined Leif and put in a full four hour session from 4am -8. I only landed two fish but it was fun none-the-less. There was mullet around just not those classic v-patterns as the bait swims in the upper 1/3 of the water column. That's when you see those bass swirls or tail slaps.
Leif Petersen photo |
As you know Snake Fly's are one of my favorites to tie and fish. It's been a combo of black and blue and chartreuse that have been catching for me. I'll be at it this week and hope to find the bigger siblings of the fish that I have been finding.