Last night Leif invited some of the guys and the ladies over for dinner. It was a great night of good food, drink, and of course fishing. Leif had be convinced that August is, not might be, big fish month. We looked at the tides and the moons for the month and planned a trip for the overnight hours.

I was planning on getting up and on the beach around five, but at 224 am I was up thinking that it was the top of the tide, and, it's almost August so the big fish must be there. I left my truck at 308 am and was soon on the beach which was still lit from the moon on one side and the start of day on the other. I went black Snake Fly and jumped a nice fish, nice meaning just nice, and that was it until I got the text at 420 "Did you leave that watch with the second hand?" Shit. Theresa needed it for work. Not just to tell time, but to count people's last breaths. Last night asked about it and I SHOULD have just got it then like she said, so, it was a quick trip home and back to the beach.
It looked good when I got back there and I fished the Snake Fly, the "new and improved" AMC, and then a chartreuse Deceiver fly that I tied up. I didn't get a touch. As I was working my way back up the beach and then leave Ben showed up. Ben. Ben is like John Skinner, Jr. I remember the days before beach replenishment started. Ben would fish, either a fresh spot or one that someone had already picked through, and manage to catch multiple fish, usually at least one or more keepers.
So I was tired and I said to myself, "If that fu%*er catches a fish I'm gonna push him in the water". Now I wasn't that far away and I watched as he let his rig fly. He started pumping and sure as shit he went tight to the below fish. I wanted to see it. One, because I couldn't believe he caught one in a spot I had fished three times over before he got there and two, because there just haven't been a lot of fluke around.
As he walked back down to the water I asked him, "Are you gonna keep it?". He said yes he was just rinsing it off. I had already told him I had been out there since 3 am and didn't have a tap so I think he felt pity for me and offered it up, "I have plenty in the freezer". And with that I put it in my not-used-alot freezer bag and started to fish. He of course put on a clinic catching at least half a dozen to my zero. I had to walk away, thankful, but disappointed.
I continue to work on the AMC. I tied up one that is starting to look a little closer to the real thing. I get it. You have to tie a million of them, and then fish and catch on them before you can really call it a pattern. The natural is off color because it is all dried up, the darker gray color on mine fades after a little time in the water, kind of matching the natural.
I went and got Erin and she wanted to know more about the crab fest from the other day. As we talked I said, "You want to go check it out?" Even though it was low tide she still squeaked a few out, including one soft shell that I hurried home and fried up. Those things are good, but this one was a little too thick and juicy...honestly I almost gagged on one inside bite.
Theresa wanted to shoot me because I woke her up on the way out....I have to plan a strategy for tomorrow morning.........