Wednesday, March 16, 2022

03.15.22 Four river stop day....

    'tis the season for early alarms, and that really makes the wife happy. Anyway, up on the river a little after 5 am. There's a guy who fishes every night, and when I pulled in sure as shit he was there. "Go somewhere else", was his opening line. He fished from 11-5 without a tap, "It shut down three days ago". Interesting, was it the cold? Did they move? Will they be back? Anyway I was out to other spots. 

     This year is all about the rivers. From beautiful setting to urban jungles I am going to hit them all. So far I've struck out with each time out. Hey, Colin, give yourself a break, it's only the second week of March. Spot 2 didn't have much of a current going so after some casts I moved to spot 3. Long walk, good scout, very cool water. It's just too early. Within two weeks these places will go off.

     So right before I head into the college I re-hit spot 2 and the outgoing had started, and was really starting to move. Good casts, low and slow, didn't lose a fly, but didn't get a tap. So after the college it was run home to meet patients in the office. In between I stopped at spot 4, made some casts into the just-over-40 degree water. Saw my first boat out there this season, anchored up and fishing for shad. These guys just don't fish for sand to fish for shad, they catch them and then chunk them for the striped bass. Two days away from my first spring bass, and tomorrow the Simms waders arrive just in time.