Thursday, March 1, 2012

03.01.12 Like the way the ocean looks today...and March 1st means the bays are open for bass fishing

       Took a quick ride down to see how the water looked after, during and before these mixed fronts we've had and are going to have this week. Things looked nice to me out front as I prefer fishing in a mild snot to snotty weather. Winds from the N-NE to 15 knts today with plenty of white water and temps at 45 degrees outside.

     Today is March 1st and the inshore waters are open for striper fishing.  This recent weather may have put a damper on the opening at places like Graveling Point and the Raritan Bay but things should heat up sooner than later. The Raritan Bay at USGS station at Keansburg is reading 43 degrees. I am sure some anglers are out there soaked, while soaking clams on the mudflats.