Well I was looking to a nice weekend with my mother, brother and sister in the Adirondacks. It started out good, got, bad, then worse, then better, then worse and today is Wednesday March 21, 2012.
It would be easier to list the chain of events rather then write them-
1) Stopped in diner for breakfast in New Jersey, then stopped in a rest stop on the New York State Thruway to use the bathroom
2) Lost wallet
3) Drove to Ausable Forks to check on the lodge
4) Opened door, well had to ass it open, to find water blowing out of the ceiling in the first floor and everything soaked, moist, buckled, warped, or covered in mold.

5) Turned off water, called insurance company- "No worries Mr Archer- Like a good neighbor State Farm is there, we'll get the ball rolling right now."

6) Twenty minutes later an investigator called back and said, "We're not doing anything until I come up from Albany on Monday."
7) Heating guy comes Saturday and says we ran out of heating oil which burst the supply pipes to the bathroom.

8) Start the cleanup and documentation. Huge help brother Ryan breaks ass with me for two days.

9) Back on Sunday for more salvage and clean up, a nice Ex-Jersey guy offers to put me up and helps me at the house. Mom and brother head back to Jersey, leave me cash, still have no wallet
10) Monday insurance lady comes, very nice, but " Article 4, Line 2, sentence 2- "Failure to maintain heat .....is on you"

11) Figure I'm on my own...order dumpster....start demo-ing the first floor- walls, ceilings, ect ripped out and into dumpster.

12) No license, so I cant rent a car, so I catch a ride to Plattsburgh Tuesday morning to catch an Amtrak train down to Poughkeepsie where my Father-In-Law will pick me up and take me home.
13) Can't buy a ticket nor board a train without 2 forms of ID
14) Walk halfway across Plattsburgh and then take a jitney to a Greyhound bus station, located in a cheap hotel
15) "South train just left, next one leaves at 7 pm, 7 hours from now" Eat at Butcher Block and come to hotel, sit in hot cramped waiting room alone.
16) Ask staff if I can rent a room for a few hours, yes, 35 dollars. Dad calls up and gives credit card and I'm all set
17) On my way to my room a toothless woman asks if I'll be staying here for a few days
18) Crank AC, put on Deadliest Catch, crash
19) Wake up at 4, walk to dollar store- but razors, body wash, OCC doll for my mom, and a bag of those candy cremes.
20) Take shower, drag cheap razor across face, eat cremes, get on bus at 7 o'clock
21) Mom and wife pick me up in Albany at 10pm and then drive home
22) That was my weekend-