Today I finally got in on the Clear Cure Goo craze that hit the fly tying world last year. I ordered up some on Thursday and asked Brian Carson if he could get it out that day. He emailed be back and said it was already gone. Today I cranked out some Deceivers and Clousers and can say that I'm done

looking at chartreuse and white. Later in the day I started playing around with some yak hair and tying up a bunker fly, motivated by the 12 inch bunker that I found in the Raritan Bay and Navesink River the last few days. I mixed up four colors and got the fly out to 10 inches. Just as I was ready to come up with a plan to finish the mailman dropped off a box and in it was the Clear Cure Goo.
I opened up the box and remembered I had ordered the basic kit which came with two tubes of 'Goo" , a blue light, some applicators, and in addition three packs of eyes. I used the 8mm eyes on this bunker fly and the "thick" Goo on the head. I was able to apply and then form it while holding the hairs back easily and then hold the blue light to set it. In 10 seconds it was cured.
I am looking forward to using it on other flies, especially the Clousers that take a real beating while fishing from from the surf and the rocks. My early concern is, I think I used a lot of it on just this one fly, and each replacement syringe is $10.50 for 10ml. Also the dumbell eyes, which are nice, are $6.75 for six pair.
I find that I beat the piss out of flies while fishing the Jersey Shore salt so I don't know if I need flies that are prettier then they are durable.
Well the weather has changed up a bit. Wind's from the N at 27 kts and that should slow things down for a few days. Everyone is kind of on standby with the most productive areas the back bays late evening or at night as the bass chase the bunker in the shallows.