I am disappointed, angry, hurt.....but not surprised. Not surprised that the ASMFC, well really the commissioners , today voted to remain status quo for the year 2014. Basically that means they see nothing wrong with the striped bass numbers, harvests, and fisheries.
" Stock assessment was accepted, stock is not overfished, and overfishing isn't occurring."
What happened today at the ASMFC 72nd Annual Meeting held in Georgia was a real shitshow.
While the transcripts of todays meeting and vote aren't available, one result is out based on the following question,
"To implement a 28 inch minimum size and one fish daily for coastal recreational fisheries with an equivalent reduction for coastal commercial quotas for implementation in 2014."
Motion failed 2-12
Our New Jersey, Governor Christies rep, Tom Fote - voted it down. (More on the other votes and Mr. Fote's direct quote at the hearing to follow.)
Let's just say that this is a huge victory for the commercial interests, the RFA, the lobbyists, the politicians, and almost all of the commissioners.
In the end.....it's a defeat for the striped bass and everyone who worked hard to protect the striped bass by fishing responsibly and conservatively (Just because your fishing "legal" doesn't mean responsible) and who believe that the striped bass numbers are in danger of collapse.

And here's the bone.....