Well today was a bit nippy. Got out around 1 PM and it was 31 degrees with a stiff N-NW wind. Made my way down to the rocks and started fishing on the south side which wasn't too bad. The wind was at my back which kept it out of my face and off my hands. Worked from the beach out and then back along the other side with the wind in my face. Had a take, then it followed, then I hooked it briefing losing it as I went to get it on the reel. Slack= missed fish.
Stayed at it for a bit but the water was on the start of the outgoing and low, it got flat, was clear, and there was a high bright sun. I moved north a bit and hit another set of rocks. Had them all to myself and found it just boring. I went to leave the rocks and looked over along the beach. There was a nice slough
or trough. I could see it from the rocks I was getting off all the way down to the next groin. I then realized that I haven't got wet, except taking waves and spray on the rocks, in a long time.
So for the next hour I spent casting and covering the slough. It was fun waiting on each retrieve at that moment when the fly was in the kill zone.....and waiting for a take. That take never came but as the sun set and the wind turned around and pretty much died is was just nice to be out and fly fishing., especially on the 18th of January.