Fished the last few hours on the ebb tide. First stop the water was turbid. Gave it a go with a Clouser without a bump, then went over to high sicking my crab fly around the rocks. Reports from guys I spoke to say their stomachs are full of them, even though there aren't any sheds on the beach. Didn't have any luck with that so I jumped in my truck and took a ride south. Found that water a little deeper with a little better visibility. Watched a bucktailer put on a clinic for twenty minutes catching four fish in front of me. As I made my first cast I realized I left my stripping basket in my truck. Luckily I found a nice big flat rock down near the waters edge and went to work. Switched over to a large chartreuse/ blue/white Deceiver and picked up a nice fish. Fished for about 45 minutes before slack tide slowed things up.