That just about says it all as we honor those men and women that gave their lives so we can lead a free and good life.
Todays post is just a bunch of different things....
First, I'm heading up to the Upper Delaware for the week and I have two open days for float trips this week. First is Wednesday May 28th and then Monday June 2nd. I also have Thursday June 5th open next week. It's $400 for two anglers includes lunch, shuttle, leaders, use of rods and a great time. Call me 732.261.7291 or email me
Next, last week I appealed to the daily readers of this blog and friends, clients, and family to give back as I look to provide video entertainment for ya'll. Well, soon after I started to get a few envelopes in the mail. I would like to thank those that sent in some money, and if you haven't but would like to there is still time. It is all much appreciated.
My business partner Marc at Agency New Jersey, HERE, is by far a better photographer and tech savy person then I am. He has always loved video and when GoPro came out he was right in with it. I told him what I, well what we, are looking to do and this morning he brought over his collection for me to try out. I can see this could be dangerous. I'll be heading out with 3 GoPros and every type of mount you could have and more batteries and memory cards then you could fill.
Hopefully after the next week of shooting, and some more money, I'll be able to make the best decision and either buy a used older generation camera or a new one.

And lastly headed out before 5 at the end of the incoming. Made two casts in big surf crashing at my feet and caught a 20" striper which was the only fish of the short morning. Did shoot the shit with a bunch of sharpies that clued me on about the collection of guys that were on the beach last Friday night....20, 30, and 40 pound bass in tight crashing on bunker. It doesn't happen everyday...but when it does.....and you're the only guy on the end of the groin it can be a memory of a lifetime.