So, here's where I am at. I enjoy writing this blog, nearly everyday. It's really like a diary of fishing the Upper Delaware and the Jersey Shore with other fly fishing stuff, and some personal stuff, mixed in. We are approaching 230,000 views. It takes a lot of work going out each day with camera in hand to produce original content for you to enjoy. Not only is there time involved in the shooting and then editing, there is also the expense of gas and several, as you know, sunken cameras that need to go back for repair or replaced.
The other day I shot some video of the bunker schools. I shot it with my trusty Canon G-12. It worker fine but the quality wasn't there as much as I would like. To this point I haven't taken the Go-Pro step but I am thinking it's time. And that's where you as readers, followers, clients, friends, and family come in. It may sound a little much, but it's time for you to give back to the blog.
I am looking to purchase the Go-Pro Hero 3+ Black Edition with all the bells and whistles. It looks like it will run around $800-$1,000. This will enable me to shoot and share videos. Still pictures are great, they are my love, but video and movement, even in the smallest clip, seems to be what people want more of.
So, if you read the blog, like some do everyday, I am asking for you all to foot the bill for the camera. I don't charge a subscription for the blog, I don't crowd the blog with advertising, and I never share email lists to others.
If you you like to see video or would just like to help out please send a check with whatever you feel this daily entertainment is worth, send a check to....
The Average Angler
304 Lakeview Ave
Ocean NJ, 07712