Today I had the pleasure of fishing hard for a full day with Kelly and Chris. I had met them at Orvis Marlton during my recent presentation during the spring Orvis Days. Chris celebrated his birthday yesterday and Kelly gave him the trip as a present. We met at 530 and went strong, except during breakfast till 3.
After rigging up we went to the water where we all took water over the bow, the force landing me on my butt in the wash. Over the next three hours we would all wind up getting soaked to the core between fishing off the beach and the rocks. I was jumping between the two and was on the beach with Kelly when Chris signaled to us he had a fish on. It was a mad dash back to the groin to land and get a quick pic of him with his first striper on the fly, and the first on his Orvis Access 9 wt.

We hit Toast in Asbury Park for a late breakfast and came up with a plan for the afternoon....we would go wade the flats in search of bluefish. It was a plan we were all in agreement with and excited to explore. After wading out a 1/2 mile...or two...with threw poppers with wire hoping to get a blowup. That didn't happen. Two other guys were out and a spin fisherman up to his nipples in water got a bluefish on metal casted out another 1/2 a mile.
We ended up hitting an easier groin and working flies on the incoming tide before quitting time. They fished hard and learned a lot, we ate good, the birthday boy got a fish, and it was just an all around great day. I look forward to fishing with them again sometime. Just when you ponder if talks are a good thing or not....you meet a great couple and spend a nice Saturday out on the sand and rocks.