Tonight started my 4 week USCG Captains class in Toms River. There was no wasting time and after some hellos and introductions it was right to work. The class runs Friday nights, and Saturday and Sunday 8-5. Great first night , learned a lot, and took lots of notes.
Today I got my Orvis Access 9ft 12 wt in the mail. Someone asked why a 12 wt? I got the 12 wt and will team it up with the Orvis Mirage reel to fish for the big stripers in the spring and bluefin tuna in the fall. So I got home and found the package, took it out, put it together, and the fighting butt cork easily twisted off. I had to post it, just to keep things real on my end. I called up and let them know I'm sending it back. The rod feels really sweet and I look forward to casting it, as soon as the budget allows for the Mirage end of the outfit to be purchased.
Orvis always stands by their products...and their rod guarantees are fantastic. Just ask anyone whose had to send theirs back for repair or replacement.