Tuesday, May 28, 2024

05.28.24 Well today sucked....

      If today was my last day fly fishing for striped bass near me I'd be okay with it. I'm kinda done. I'll do a recap on June 1st of the year to date. But for today, a grind, kinda boring. Water up and off color a tad from the recent rains. No birds. No bait. No bass. The high first light tides aren't the best and that added to the misery.

     I did go on foot today as well, and that was less than fun. Water dropped like a rock and there was no one home. I did go back this evening and caught one. The fish inhaled the fly and it started to bleed. The fly was in the roof of its mouth so I'm not sure where the damage was as it was no where near the gill rakers. But, you know that 9% recreational mortality eventually hits us all. It was profuse, but it was blood and it was red. 

    I'm looking forward to saying good-bye to the river and counting my lucky stars when I can get down to the beach and hit the salt. It's nice to have waders on and run the rocks and beaches for a few hours before sunrise and when the bennies show up. I can't complain, it's all good.