Tuesday, May 21, 2024

05.21.24 Mission accomplished....

     No that's not Joe losing his breakfast off the bow of the boat. He's on low tide anchor patrol. Our goal today was to locate and get back that anchor I tossed yesterday with Erin. After a bunch of passes and with a little help from the sun the white anchor stood out in the off color water. 

     With the help of a garden rake I was able to reach down and catch it and bring it up. With it was part of the shackle that connected the chain to the anchor line. Missing was the pin. When I got home I 

put on a new shackle and turned it tighter then it could ever get. It's the third week of May and while I'm still throwing the 12 weight I think it might be time to go down a size rod or two. I'm using the 11 weight for the topwater stuff. There's still an occasional brute around and the 12 helps in faster current which is where the bait and the bass seem to like to be this time of the season. But with that are also a class of schoolie bass. 

     Everyday is different as the bait and fish move and I couldn't find them like I had done yesterday. Joe was the hot hand landing five mostly on topwater plugs. Nothing for me on the fly. 

    Today's warm weather and hot sun brought the weather temps up to 68, which isn't terrible, so I'm thinking better to hit it early at first light for the best time to find active and feeding bass. 

     I spent some time going through the flies I have left from the last two years of tying. The supply iOS getting thin. Many flies have been lost, hooks broke or straightened, or the flies just come unbuttoned and are unsalvageable. Most of my fly box just has empty plastic sleeves where a fly once waited to be 

put into service. My Finn fly wallet has my go-to's for the rest of the season before I start thinking of making some trips to the saltwater. I'm really looking forward to the crab fly fishing later this month and into June. I'm enjoying fishing now but am looking for a change in venue soon. It's been a good, but different, last three months and I'm thankful to have this fishery within a stones throw of my house.