Monday, May 20, 2024

05.20.24 Erin here wants to fish....

      The title of the post comes from a clip in the movie "A River Runs Through It". A local bar fly brings Buster to meet Norman and Paul for a miserable days fishing. Both still drunk she falls out of the truck and says, "Buster here wants to fish". 

      When we were down in Cape May Erin said she wanted to go fishing. Any dad, or parent, that hears that music to their ears knows what that statement means but it does come with some pressure. The goal 

is to just catch one fish. So I made a detour on the way home and Delaware Joe set Erin up with all that she would need. Hey, I just need to find her one fish. How hard could that be?

     We were up at 5 am and on the water within 45 minutes. Everything going as planned. I got her all set in the first spot and threw the anchor....and away it went. Like away. Like not attached to anything anymore. Are you kidding me? Why. Something always happens. 

     You see these river anchors are big and are connected to chains and then to the anchor line with a shackle. A few outings back Joe said, 'We have to wire that shackle up so the pin doesn't come out". Yeah, Joe, we'll get on that. And so that exactly what happened. Gone, See ya'. Later. 

     So now what? Erin had her stuff all tucked into a corner. Water bootle. Aquaphor for the eczema. Nasty ass 7-11 microwaved breakfast so called sandwich. And of course her iPhone. 

     We fished for a bit with me on the throttle and then the trolling motor trying to hold her in fishy lies. It wasn't easy to do but we got it done. Erin had a bass blow up on a popper before help arrived. 

     My buddy Karl from Bass Chasers Fishing Guide Service knew I had Erin on board so he lent me his spare anchor which enabled us to get into a spot and finally catch that one we were looking for. After a quick pic and some rehab time in the tank it was back into the water where it "swam away strong".

     Erin got to Captain the boat for a bit before we called it a morning. It was a beautiful morning and there's nothing better than spending time on the water with my daughter. Thank You Jesus we got one

fish to bite. Erin helped out with the boat and soon we were on our way back home. I got a call about a little bite going on up river and we looked at each other, and, took a pass. She's all done with her first year at St. Joseph's in Philly and tomorrow leaves for  week trip to Florida with her buds. But....

I could back. So after seeing her off that's just what I did. It was new territory so I had to take my time and navigate the boulders before finding fishy fly friendly water. It was a good mid day outing although 

I was dressed for the 0-dark thirty trip with Erin so I was sweating to death. The good thing is the fish didn't mind although this week looks like it's going to be a scorcher. As of today the water temps are right around 65 degrees which is about the upper level I like to fish. Even with the tank and the rehab it's warm and the fish get stressed. One thing is I have to change the water between fish because the water just heats up from the sun beating down. Maybe I'll have to come up with a solid cover. 

     The fish were all nice, one hit 31 inches and weighed more than its length should have allowed it to carry. The others were those feisty river fish that fight hard and find current to try and retreat into. 

     So for a Sunday in May what a great way to spend the day. Daddy daughter fishing and then some time alone fishing and then searching for that dam anchor.