Saturday, June 16, 2012

06.16.12 Note to self...load up stripping basket the night before

     We've all done it, fly and non-fly anglers alike. I have forgot my fly rod, flies, and leader material before. Today I forgot my stripping basket. Nothing harder than trying to fly fish with a sinking line off the rocks, or beach, without a place to stick that line. If you use a floating or sinking line you can stay out of danger and usually fish through it. But a sinking line on the start of the outgoing with waves crashing the rocks is usually disastrous.
     I found a flat rock and made sure as I stripped the line to my feet and not the black cavernous hole at the top of the picture above. That line would have found a crevice and been damaged, ruined or lost if it got hung up on the barnacles and mussels clinging on the underside of the rocks.

Lots of fluke fisherman out now. They line the jetties as the bait and spin anglers watch and wait for signs of an impending blitz. The boats are still on the bass, but I think after this week the bass fishing will slow down considerably on the beaches and rocks. At least that will thin the crowds a bit.