Had to give it a shot before the kids woke up. Got down to the water with about an hour left on the flood tide. The W wind had the water flat, and the 32 degree air temp and the 46 degree water temp had me questioning if I would find a bass on the last day of 2012.

I knew it was cold when my feet didn't sink down into the sand as I walked. On the groin I had to watch my footing just a little bit as ice had formed in the depressions in the rocks. Several times my line was stiff coming out of my stripping basket. And the water was just off color and didn't look very fishy.
Even though I didn't move a fish I was able to reflect on this past year. It gave me an idea to go through the hard drive and pic out some pics and do a 2012 Year in Review. From great striped bassin' to trout on the Upper Delaware- it has been a great year.
I believe last year, well, was last year. And the mild winter of 2012 will be remembered as an anomaly, and this years winter will be a little more normal, with ice cold temps in both the air and in the water. Spring will be here soon enough and in just a few months we'll be searching the back bays for those early bass on the mud flats and sod banks and awaiting out favorite hatches that will wake up the wild brown and rainbow trout in the Upper Delaware rivers.