Sunday, June 19, 2011

06.19.11 Happy Fathers Day!


  It's a great day to be a dad, have a dad, or know someone who is a dad. Lucky for me I'm in all three groups. I went down to Deal and Allenhurst this morning still in pursuit of some stripers but haven't seen one in a while. I decided to just fish the wash and along the groins this morning leaving the spikes in the truck. I met up with Rich in Deal who nailed a few short fluke while I was there. He moved down to Brighton and I jumped to Allenhurst where I found the above father and son team fluke fishing. I thought that image was a great one for Fathers Day.
     I am very lucky to have four beautiful children to help me celebrate today. They gave me cards, bagels, coffee, and IOU's- they even helped me move 500,000 river rocks, well okay 200 rocks, around the yard today. It is amazing how each child brings something unique and special to my life everyday. I love to see them grow up, but hate it at the same time.