Hit the vice before 6 am with my morning coffee. Not sure what to do I went through my materials and settled in with some Squimpish Flies Boutique Blend in my hand. This has sat on my desk since I
purchased it al the last FFS maybe two years ago and its the first time I have tied with it. I do like trying with synthetics, probably because they are a tad more forgiving and can be trimmed up where needed. I'm not sure how to eliminate the bend after taking it out of the package. This fly comes in at 6 inches and will make for a nice bass treat, the next fly will be longer, as I think those 8 inch flies would be
better for the early spring rivers. I also like these fake jungle cock eyes. Looking at the package I see I purchased small eyes, maybe the large would serve the flies better. I'll see if I can snag some of the Philly Fishing Show today.