Monday, February 6, 2017

02.06.17 Where will all the beachgoers lay out this summer?

Seaview Ave., Long Branch

     The beaches are getting smaller and smaller. That may sound good, but the reality is way we now have is a gently sloping beach extending far out into the ocean. So unless you plan on sight fishing this upcoming spring don't get too excited.

     On November 21st while fishing in front of Pier Village I looked up and saw a good amount of birds in front of Seaview Ave. A quick ride there and I joined maybe four guys who were just starting to catch. Within twenty minutes the beach was full from Big Monmouth down to Pier Village. Below Charlie and I watched as Jack connected on his first cast.

     I wish I had a better pick to show, but where I am standing is at the end of the north side of the groin at the top of the page. Additionally, only one third of the rocks were visible and you could walk over them and not have to step up onto the rocks.

     It is really going to interesting this spring and early summer when the big bunker are getting blasted by the big bass, it will take a 14 foot spinning rod and a 6 ounce popper to get to where they are.