Monday, September 8, 2014

09.08.14 Just knew there had to be bass out there in the slop....

         It was my kind of weather out there. East winds up to 20 mph with gusts to 25 on an outgoing tide. Easy day to make excuses. Got out on hour 4 of the ebb an found, well, lots of wind and white water. Didn't have my "A" game outfit with me so I went with what I had., 9ft 10wt with an intermediate line. I had that because on Saturday I took a time out and ran up to Newport to search for bass and albies. Did a little scouting but didn't find anything so it was more relaxing than fishing. Newport after summer and at the start of fall is just beautiful...I know I would be happy calling it home.

     Back on the beach it wasn't easy getting the fly straight out into spots that held water. There a wicked left to right sweep so it became a job timing the waves and then the sweep in getting my Snake Fly to wind up where I wanted it. 

     I jumped up on the groin and fished more back towards the beach, constantly mending my line over the waves to prevent the fly from traveling at 60 mph from the pull on the line. On one cast I saw the fly approach the surface and the above bass almost come out of the water after it. I thought for sure there would be more. 
      As the near full moon tide ebbed quickly I went back to the beach and worked some really fishy water. Small blues bit at the tail of the fly and there were no more bass takers. Tomorrow I'll be ready with a sinking line as the E winds continue, up to 30, which will be nice as long as the water doesn't get to shitted up and loaded with cabbage.