Beautiful Easter sunrise this morning and I forgot my camera so I had to iPhone it. Was hoping the Easter Bunny might come through with the first striped bass of the season but not today. Fished from dead low to an hour or two on the flood tide. Water looked great and had birds out and about picking. Found some half eaten bigger bait on the beach which is a good sign as things heat up.

As much as I hate to I checked the reports from various websites and see that the boat guys are doing well on the bass already. Clamming, chunking, and trolling has started to produce fish upwards of twenty pounds. Looking online is a double edged sword, at least for me, you like to be connected as to whats going on, but a lot of it is dead fish pic after dead fish pic. I hate to be a striper-tree-hugger, but I do hate to see it when these pre-spawn bass, males and females, are harvested. It's a tough business to be in with my perspective. So, I either need to get a tougher skin or stop looking through the reports forums and just worry about myself and the water where I am fishing at that moment.
Have a great Easter Sunday with you and yours!