With my boat up on the blocks and getting pretty much getting a facelift from bow to stern it worked out perfect that my NEW, SWEET and SHINY, Load Rite trailer came in. It's a beauty. All aluminum- well 90%. LED lights. Dual axle. Vortex hubs. SS brakes. Balanced radial tires. Just perfect. My older trailer was in serviceable condition but needed to get refurbished. I could have done that, but would have been left with a single axle trailer. I went with the dual axle trailer for those long commutes to the office. I really like putting in at Barnegat Light and now I feel that much more confident. I also hope to guide in Montauk in the next couple of years and this fall I will start bringing my boat out there.

So for the boat. Every Clouser ding, every screw hole, every scrape, oh yeah- and when I ran aground in the middle of the night on the Navesink last summer, that too, will be fixed and getting gel coated. The Jones Brothers 19'10 Cape Fisherman is a 1998 and is in sweet condition. There are some stress cracks along the compartments that will be gone and the floor will get some love also. I had originally wanted to install dual electric trolling motors on the engines cavitation plate, but the used unit I had was dead and couldn't be used. So the boat will look brand new, and the trailer will be brand new.
Here's some more boat and trailer pics.....