On Sunday at the Asbury PArk Fishing Flea Market I ran into John Oswald who writes the Hook, Line & Sinker section for the Asbury Park Press. I asked him if he had seen the Army Corps press release regarding proposed changes to the Elberon to Loch Arbor beach replenishment project and the open public hearing period. I must first give thanks to Joseph Wichnick who sent it to me late last week.
You can see that blog post HERE.
Yesterday I got a call from John asking for my comments on the proposed notching of the groins and extensions to the outfalls in that 'Jetty Country" stretch. You can read the article above, or see it HERE. Also, if you are on StripersOnline, a thread has been started picking apart the information provided by the ACOE, especially about the environmental impact to the proposed project.....lets jjust say they mention tuna......and not tautog or striped bass!!!! Are you kidding me.
In that tread and posts are sample letters anglers have written, some are really good. Give it a browse before you send yours in, please do!

As I was talking to John on the phone, while looking for sea glass with my daughter, a survey boat was making its rounds around the groins surveying the landscape. The project is underway already.....there will be no stopping it, but maybe we can get it scaled back a bit.
For those that are in the know, here are the groins that will be affected.....
That makes me sick to my stomach