So I wanted to see how things were looking at the "new" Asbury Park beach post beach "nourishment". It was a great day to do the end I think me and my # 1 eight year old daughter
spent about four hours at the beach. We started in Deal at low tide....well more of that later. This post will kind of be all over the place.

First, tomorrow, Sunday March 9th is the Asbury Park Fishing Club's 22nd Annual Fishing Flea Market. Proudly I am the only member in the history of the club, I think, that doesn't own a spinning rod. Today was set up day and Convention Hall in Asbury PArk is ready for vendors and browsers, and buyers!, alike.

The day started with a great sunrise over Marine Place in Deal, surely one of the groins that the US Army Corp of Engineers will be planning on notching. Since it was low tide around 730 I knew my girls would love to hunt for sea glass. The tall one had SAT's today, the short one was game on. We hunted for hours and had a pretty good haul, even finding a few pieces of that blue, cobalt.

During our search we also found a juvenile baitfish up on the beach. I figured it was some kind of herring and reach ed out to Paul Eidman and Bob Popovics for help with an ID. We came up with a juvenile atlantic herring, and if you look at the below pic from NOAA it looks like the top fish. But as always, the fish never look 100% dead on, and the eyes in my fish, look a little bigger than the top NOAA fish. If you have a better ID email me and I'll make the correction.
From top to bottom its, atlantic herring, blueback herring, and alewife.
So I will end in Asbury Park where you can see how the recently completed beach "nourishment" is doing. Tide by tide Mother Nature is taking the beach back. Now don't get me wrong, they have stockpiled huge amounts of sand, well sand and dirt, on the beach near the boardwalk to be spread out as the warmer weather arrives. Guys and girls, this is a joke!!!!!!! Notice the layers of what is being pumped onto the beach.....and you can't find a piece of sea glass, which my daughter said, " This stinks here." From the mouths of babes.