Monday, October 11, 2010

10.11.10 Another beautiful fish

Headed out this morning for what I hoped was going to be a good one. I have fished night sthe last few times out, and lost one in the wash Saturday night. This morning was a stellar day for being out, there just wasn't anything going on. I started at Phillips Ave and met up with the usual cast of characters that fish there. If they're not catching anything there, you might as well move on. And that's what I did. I was watching a flock of birds feeding off Allenhurst so I stopped there. They moved along the jetty and out into Loch Arbor, but never came in close enough, and there was no signs that fish were working below them.

Dumbass move of the day. Since it was so nice out I decided to bring my tripod and remotes to get some pictures of fly fishing the beach. I set everything up and turned the camera on...dead battery. Oh well.

As far as freshwater, the Delaware Rivers are settled into somewhat normal flows, the West Branch is at 450 around 50, I wish I could get up there sometime this week, the river closes down the 15th except for the Gamelands stretches. I can't believe it, another year gone. All those grownups, and old folks that tell you life goes fast and is here and gone in a blink of an eye were dead on!