Tuesday, March 25, 2014

03.25.14 Someone must have got into the Army Corp's ear.....

     Well someone must have talked some sense into Frank Pallone or the Army Corp of Enginners. Today machinery was open 8th Ave removing the sand from the top of the groin. Mmmmm. Why all of a sudden? Are people in charge of this debacle actually listening to all those people writing and making sense of the damage that beach replenishment and notching will do, especially around the area of 8th Ave?
     With the sand balancing on top of the groin, any big tide or nor'easter will push the sand off the groin onto the north side pocket and then block or fill the flume which empties in the middle of the groin. It's a no brainer. Who, in all their training and expertise said, " Hey, while you are there, cover the 8th Ave groin, that will be a good move"????

Anyway, get your letters in and voice your opposition to the Elberon to Loch Arbor plan.

With the noise we have made so far....Frank Pallone was forced to issue a statement, and machinery is at work at 8th Ave....it's a small step, but it's a step in the right direction.