Friday, August 18, 2017

08.16.17 Plenty of peanuts in the back......

     While Erin and I were looking for crabs at almost dead low tide i guy kind of hurriedly and all-business started to walk the wall. I asked him if he was throwing for snappers and I was surprised when he said, "Peanuts". He was eagle eyed and I watched him like a heron just standing still and staring in the water. I looked over into the brown-end-of-the-tide muck and didn't see anything and then he threw. Really?
    Don't you know he then started to struggle with the throw net. I was like....really. And then it cleared the water and I was like, "Holy shit". One throw, a bucket full of peanut bunker, all the snacks the bluefin would like to find sinking down from the boat.