Last night I got a call from the Freehold Apple Store that my iMac was repaired and ready for pick up. I was really hoping that they could have salvaged any data from it since I hadn't backed it up.....and they couldn't. Luckily it was under warranty so it didn't cost me anything.
As you all know we've had some weather for the last week with a combo of a cold front coupled with Hurricane Issac. I took the boat out a day before it started and yesterday morning looking for albies. Had all the 2-4 pound blues and hickory shad you could want but no albies. They are here, it's just a right place, right time kind of thing.
Also this past week I made it into the Orvis New York City store and spent some time there with my buddy and store manger Rob Ceccarini. He put some backing on a Mirage reel for me and I purchased some tying materials and got some tips from Rob on some albie flies. He talked about one of the best albie fly tyers he knows named Johnny King, and twenty minutes later in walks Johnny King. I heading out to Montauk on Friday with Captain Jason Dapra of Blitzbound Guide Service. He'll be out at "The End" so if you'd like to book a fly fishing/ light tackle trip for albies, bass and blues during September or October give him a call, 631-662-4734. I don't know if he has any openings but if you're going out, it's worth the call.
Finally, I got a Orvis Helios 2 promo yesterday that I'd like to share with you. I had the rod in my had at the Guide Rendezvous in Manchster, Vermont earlier this year. It was hush, hush then....well it will be available in about a month.