Wednesday, April 17, 2024

04.16.24 Amazing it was four years ago....

     It really is amazing that the Covid pandemic was four years ago. Sad of those we lost, not just in lives lost, but so many other things as well. The collateral damage was equally as bad. And now we are starting to see all of those things we didn't know about the vaccines. If you took them, great, if you didn't that's great as well, but, there are a lot of people alive because of them, dead because of them, and now suffering with long term adverse effects that we didn't know at the time. The disease was bad but what it did to us both individually and as a human race was the worst part of it. It was just another that added to the division in all areas of life that we see today. 

    The above pic popped up on Facebook. It's me at the Edison Convention Center which was turned into a Covid Hospital. The same Edison as where The Fly Fishing Show is held. It was weird walking the halls taking care of Covid patients rather than at materials, seminars, and catching up with friends.

     Fishing all around the state will be going off this week. Yes, it's in between the New and Full Pink Moon and Mother Nature is cooperating and the fish will start to as well. Waters are receding and clearing up and the wind and rain, which has been brutal, looks promising going forward. And with the nice weather comes an increase in participation. At. Every. Single. Spot. On foot, on the water, even in that spot that takes a little while to get to, someone is or will be there. It's frustrating. Social media and the ME and NOW fishermen and women have killed bites and spots. It is what it is.