And then we have the Delaware River and the three border states, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsy. Three states with three different sets of regulations. Last year I fought to find out the "real" regulations as the wording on the NJ Fishing Digest can be open for discussion. So this year I read in the digest
that, "Possession of striped bass in New Jersey is illegal during this time period". So I was told, "I guess to possess means you can fish and not kill a fish". I posed that question to one of the NJ Fish and Wildlife Conservation Officers from that district who said "Tickets are issued for people taking striped bass (the harvest season is closed) not to those fishing the Delaware River". So there I have it, I think. It will be interesting what Pennsylvania does with it to be in compliance with the ASMFC. Currently they have an "Open" season for harvesting, two fish from 21 - 24 inches. This is a perfect example of
different regulations for the same body of water. Spin anglers with 11 foot rods and heavy plugs or lures can dam near cast to out of state waters from one side of the river or another. In this case it should be the same regulations with the same open and or closed seasons, and it should be open, closed, or catch and release only, and clearly stated in the law.