Sunday, April 10, 2022

04.09.22 Needed a solid fishing night....

     With the Delaware blown out until at least Thursday next week I took a drive to find more suitable water quality and hopefully some fish. Good plan, good spot, good fish. Fished with two dozen of my spin fishing friends and got some looks when I busted out my fishing ladder. Got some laughs but that changed to "that's a great idea", which of course I didn't invent. Probably saw about 30 fish caught that

were all good sized fish, in the 15 to 25 pound range. I was just out past the line of fisherman due to the elevated ladder perch but their casts were far. In the flurry of action I hooked a really nice probably 18-20 pound fish, that got a roar from the crowd, but lost it as I tried to quickly manage line because the fish was running into me. It came unbuttoned about 15 feet away, but I really good look at her, a long distance release if you will. Stayed late, and at about hour five I had another hit near the end of the tide. 

     I was freezing, and I thought cold, and then disappointed with the new Simms waders, but in the lot I was bone dry. Below is a cool shot from Lief who was fishing earlier in the day parts unknown. I really can't wait for a warm-up and for this little blow we are having to lay down. Better days ahead.