Friday, April 8, 2022

04.08.22 That'll delay things a bit...

     Well the Delaware River systems got hammered last night, blowing out the Delaware, and I am sure most of the other striper holding rivers in New Jersey. Can't imagine what the Raritan, Hackensack, Navesink and Shrewsbury look like. Out here, the water just keeps coming even though we have bluebird skies out at midday. You can see below we are usually around 20,000 cfs and are now over 

70,000. For a comparison, or to see what is coming, when the river crests in Trenton on Saturday, the Lordville gauge way up are mile marker 300 on the Main Stem, is at over 40,000, and it's all coming 

down the river, plus whatever water drains from all the tributaries. Logs, brush, full trees, furniture were all seen around noon when I went to check things. I actually fished a tiny 30 foot section of the river that was out of the main current, just hoping there was a hungry bass waiting, that move was for naught. 

     I would think the best places to fish may be out front or from a boat in the bay, more towards the middle where the water has a chance to clear up a bit. Getting frustrated sticking to the Delaware River plan, what I hoped for in an early season hasn't panned out so well yet, but there's time.