Thursday, December 29, 2022

12.29.22 Just had to go...

     The above popped up on my FB feed this morning and it got me thinking. If I caught a fish 6 years ago why not today? With spring like air temps, decent water temps @44 degrees, and the top of the tide when the sun was highest and brightest, for December, I thought I'd give it a shot.

     I was dreaming of those December bass guys talk about, maybe a holdover or two in one of the northern rivers before theseason closes for the bays and rivers Decmeber 31st, two days away. 

     So I made the drive north and treated myself to some nasty Wendy's before gearing up and heading out. All was well until I went to put on my waders. When I was home I brought them up from the basement and dropped them out the front door of the house as to not dust off any sand in 

the house. I made a mental note, "Do not forget them". Well you know what meant, looks like I would be fishing in my painting sweats and shoes. It didn't matter. I stayed dry and fished for and hour and a half on the top of the tide and the start of the drop. In the main river it was clean and clear but the tribs were choked with snow and ice pack. Didn't see any bait or fish for that matter. The worst part, besides the Wendy's, was the 3 hour drive to fish for 90 mins. I forgot how miserable the Turnpike can be even midday. 

      Earlier in the day I was on the vice working on trying to build a fly and then maybe do the impossible- tie two flies that looked alike, or even better yet, get into a run and banging multiple flies out, like the real tyers do. Again, I tie a fly and then critique the hell out of it. I like this one though, would have liked it better on a 6/0 rather than a 5/0 hook. The eyes, which I glued on smaller tab eyes as to not gunk up the fly with glue, should have sat further 

back on the fly. Taper wasn't bad, but the peacock herl kinda stopped mid-back of the fly. What I do like is the length, coming in over 9 inches. It has a mono extension, which doesn't show at all, and that sits inside nicely. I went to a thin mono, maybe 20 pounds, and although it was harder to tie on it moves and lends in nicely. I used a lighter to burn a ball at the end to prevent the bucktail from slipping off. And I like the color combinations. The picture on the ruler is coming off of a fresh bath so it's kind of matted down. This one will get eaten in the spring. 

     So of course when I got home the waders were where I left them. On the firewood cart behind the snowblower and under the Christmas wreath. I may keep them in my truck because Sunday looks like a day that may be calling. It's hard to resist a New Year's Day bass, although the lack of anglers out and reports doesn't lend me to believe there's anything going on on the beach these days.