Aaahhhhhh.....the One Bug. This year will be the sixth FUDR- Friends of the Upper Delaware River- One Bug. Competition? No, well, maybe. This year 18 guides and 18 teams will float the waters of the Upper Delaware looking for rising fish, to have a great time, and raise money for the organization that looks to conserve and preserve the waters of the Upper Delaware, and so much more.
In keeping the pressure on for greater and more consistent flows so much is kept healthy, bugs, fish, birds. mammals, and directly and indirectly the people who live on or come to these waters.
Basically there are 18 two person teams. They get a guide the first day on a certain beat where they can pick one fly. They can use that fly all day and if they keep they get bonus points. Each fish is worth points depending on its length. The second day it repeats. There's awards for the top team, top angler, top guide, and there's always the Squirrel Award for the guide that goes above and beyond to save his anglers fly, yes, that's me, the two time winner.
Friday night things kick off with a dinner, open bar, and auction under the tent at Fireman's Field. It's $100 dollars and is a great time and helps raise money. There are great prizes for auction. This year I am putting in a Hendrickson print, hopefully it'll get a few bucks in the kitty.
A great weekend every year.....and this shall be just as good as the others.