Tuesday, April 23, 2013

04.23.13 And Allenhurst votes.......yes to access for beach replenishment

     So the meeting started at 730pm, a new police officer was sworn in at 735pm, and they voted yes to Resolution #5 - Accept Beach Replenishment, at 740pm. By 745pm I was out of there.

     What they did was vote to allow, give, the US Army Corp of Engineers and the NJ DEP the access they need to do the beach replenishment. That's the first part. Next the towns have to approve the beach replenishment plan that will be presented to them. Imagine a bowling ball on top of a steep mountain. Or imagine a calf walking through the woods towards a hungry pack of wolves. That's what is happening with each yes vote.

     At the end of the meeting I was told they opened up the floor for comments. A surfer stood up to make the position against beach replenishment. It kind of reminded me of Nancy Pelosi and her famous quote, " We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

Another nail in the coffin of a great natural resource that many people enjoy.