Monday, June 17, 2024

06.16.24 Happy Father's Day...

     Hope you all had a great Father's Day. If you're a father then you know how special that blessing and honor it is. If you have a father then hopefully you were able to spend some time with him or have great memories if he has moved on to the afterlife. And if you have had a negative father/son/daughter experience in life then I am sorry for you. 

     A day after getting from a week in the Vineyard I was off to Brooklyn with Erin for an overnight visiting Juliet. We had a nice time but these kids these days.....they just kill ya. Working in the big borough but having to live in transitional neighborhoods like Bed Sty, Crown Heights, Harlem, Brownsville, Jersey City and Newark. To work in those places as a fireman gave you credibility and bragging rights, it's not the place you'd think your children would ever move into. 

     I got to stop by and see my own Dad and stepmother as they prepare to put the old homestead on the market before settling in to a smaller, more age friendly, and less demanding house. These days people don't stick and stay in the neighborhoods, towns, counties, or even states like they used to. People loved where they were from and being close to family was a top priority. Now everyone is scattered and the chances for a non-big event get together are almost impossible. 

     In the afternoon my Mom, Erin and I hit The Dubliner on the Delaware in New Hope for a pint and some fish and chips and Shepards pie. Before we left I opened a gift from Mom and it was an Orvis gift card which I will surely use towards that new Helios 10 wt. I will soon order. 

     I got some nice cards from Lauren, Tara, and Theresa and phone calls and texts from Sean and my brother and brother in-laws. This week I hope to catch up with Lauren and Sean for some extended Father's Day love before heading down to Hilton Head early Saturday morning. 

Being a Dad, or a Father, or a Stepfather is an honor and privilege. And it's hard work, a lot of sacrifice, and a tremendous responsibility. I couldn't imagine my life without that title.