Monday, June 10, 2024

06.10.24 Day 3...more wind then ever

     What started out as a near perfect day quickly went to shit. When I got to my spot there was a gentle WNW wind. I took my time and got ready and remembered the sunscreen and the bug spray. If there was

going to be no wind the no-see-ums would surely be out. By the time I got to Red Beach I had seen five fish all cruising with no chance of setting up on them. And soon the wind dropped to that WSW which

created that dreaded ripple on the water. So I walked around the block and found quiet water that was gin clear. Soon the bass would show as they paroled the drop off on the incoming tide. If possible in the next few days I'll take some pics of the fish swimming by. By the end of the day I saw about 30 fish, 

casted to a dozen of them, landed one, had one on, and a bunch of follows that came from out of the depths. And the tide came to full the wind had started to gust to 30 and that lasted through the drop of 

tide. Tomorrow may be a bit better as the wind comes from the NNW. The trick when there's so much wind is to try and get there and see them when there's less water. The fish I saw were all singles but the one I landed was in a trio and they all made a dash for the Clouser I tied up this morning. 

    The SS Archer, while nice, isn't made for wind. When the wind gets it broadside it's like steering a block wall through the water. So to leave I again had to hand tow it back to my truck. Throughout the 

day my foot felt squishy and I just said to myself, "Not the Orvis PRO waders". After dumping the water I took around and I think found the culprit, a small hole on my left hip. After packing up it was 

off to the Orange Peel Bakery to grab a pie before heading over to Martha Vineyard artist Abe Pieciak's house. He really doesn't live in a house it's more like a slice of heaven on a mountain top looking to Atlantic Ocean to the south. I got a chance to visit "The Shed" which is his workshop where his 

paintings and sculptures are created. He recently just had a special run of his work gracing the tire from Vineyard Vines. Below is an example of how they used his artwork for their clothing lines. 

    His shop is a cross between artist studio and tackle store. He's both a spin and fly anglers so there's a mix of fly rods and plugs adorning the walls. with a wood burning stove in the corner it must be a great
space for him to work in the winter or anytime for a good hang. Below he stands with his work 

titled "The Smoking Gull". His inspiration for that piece came from watching the gulls pick up all the trash left behind around Menemsha Harbor by the summer tourists. Outside are clipped bonito tails 

from entrees in the Martha's Vineyard striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. In late summer into the fall albies, bonito, and tuna, like big tuna inhabit the waters around the island. Abe was gracious enough to offer me his then pass so I don't haver to park and bike ride to my spots. He's a great, kind and giving 

spirit who wouldn't let me go without some Pieciak swag. The below work of MV is one of his biggest sellers for residents and tourists alike. If you love fishing, spin or fly, he has art and apparel that would

make you or that fishy person in your lifer happy. You can see his store HERE or you can contact him if you have any questions. I'm trying to coax him into doing a New Jersey filled with plugs and then flies. I am sure the Jersey boys and girls would snatch them up. 

     On my way back home I stopped at Kismet Outfitters just before closing time and picked up a wader repair kit so I can wear these tomorrow instead of going to my stocking foot PRO waders. Luckily I 

brought them with me just incase. I remember one year Dick had a wader issue and had to purchase a new pair up here in a pinch. Hopefully the patch will do.