Thursday, June 6, 2024

05.06.24 Cinco de Thursday and a spring recap...

     The above is what I hoping to see, at some point, over the next week. Tailing bass rooting for crabs and other morsels. I've been fishing the last three days and it's only been a bunch of follows and swipes as the water had already dropped out by first light. Last night we had some rain and a progressing tide put some water in my two honey holes. I played with a bunch and landed five who hit the less than 

perfect yellow what's left of a Squimpish fly. My stock is about depleted so I'm throwing whatever is still left. In the water it looked good and swam nice and they must have agreed. This winter will be a tie fest as I need to re-stock. The fish were to 26 inches and just perfect in every way. Strong, eager, and pretty with the purples and blues showing

on their lateral sides. It was nice to get out and get a few June fish before heading out early Saturday morning. I hope they're still around when I get back. But traditionally I always fish the Jersey salt the day after I get back from Vineyard trip, but that may be pushing it a bit after a week away solo. 

     And I'm a week late with my spring recap. It was a great spring. It started late for me with a March 29th 34 inch bass. It was then up and down, as was the weather and river levels, but things always seem to come around eventually. I landed two 30 pound bass with girths of 24 and 25 inches. 

The longest fish was 42 inches but didn't carry the weight of the other two bigger fish. In between there were plenty of over 30 inch bass. This year was really my first in the jet boat and it was on April 26th when I launched it for the first time this spring. While I love the access and change of point of view I prefer 

to walk and wade when possible. From the boat though I did see things and learn a tremendous amount. I have to thank Delaware Joe, Karl and Bruce who have helped me learn more with each year I fish. 

     Life in uncertain and who knows how many more springs I'll have fly fishing the spring runs. I stayed local this spring laying off the northern rivers and the bays. My few trips to the beach have me holding the skunk, maybe this week that'll change.