Sunday, June 9, 2024

06.09.24 Day 2...Same wind, rain, and heavy cloud cover...

....but at least I broke the seal. Well more on seals later. Started the day optimistic but that soon changed by the time I got the other end of island. The wind was the same as yesterday, well at least a bit better on Windfinder, WSW at 22, yesterday its showed 23. It was the same place for me the only difference was I had to 

ditch my gear and drive back to Lobsterville to leave my truck in a legal parking spot. It was then a one mile bike ride down to the pond. I was still hopeful that either the wind would die off

or the sun would pop out. In the end neither of that happened, in fact it got worse before it got better. I started walking and just kept walking. At one point I was sneaking around some brush that was in the water and a 30" bass was cruising about 10 feet away. I had no shot at it so I just kept moving. 

I walked back to the inlet and while the wind was better there and there was some visibility in the super skinny water I didn't see a fish, a crab, or any bait. Later on I did see one cloud of sand eels that the terns were diving into. On my way back I was surprised to still see the remnants of the on-scene set 

from the movie Jaws, shot on the Vineyard in 1974 before the 1975 release. I can remember taking pictures of it nearly 10 years ago and it was more recognizable back then. During the walk back I spent

time saving horseshoe crabs by righting them and putting them back in the water. I know man shouldn't interfere with nature but it just felt like the right thing to do. I was on my bike when the rain picked up as I headed back to Lobsterville. Just before heading down to fish a truck pulled up and to my surprise it was New Jersey ex-pats the Mattioli's, well now the Mattioli's and the Kains. I first met Morgan and 

her Dad when we were fishing Deal together January 2, 2017. It was a snotty day, and I guess not all that cold for early January. I made the below shots of them from that day seven years ago. 


Both have moved from New Jersey to Cape Cod and don't regret it for a minute. Before they got on the island Morgan had read the blog and said, "I wonder if we'll bump into Colin". Well there you go, small world. Nice to see them again and meet her new husband Joe. 

     Since I was parked at Lobsterville, even though I hate it, the wind was just right and with a lower tide I thought maybe I could spot some cruising fish. There's been a big change there as I remember 

the ankle-busting rocks that ran along the water line, now it's all sand. I walked up to the first point and that's where the land had the mung in check because past it it was unfishable. So I walked back and had

another meal of Sargento Cheese and Crackers. That along with Nutri Grain bars have kept me nourished so far this week. And since I was out that way and the tide was dropping I thought for sure something must be at the inlet. 

     I worked my way along the west jetty without a touch. The wind was cranking but the water was moving and something had to be there. When I switched over to fish the beach side something big blew 

up along the rocks to my right. Then it happened again near the beach. 30 pounders blowing up on bait? Then I saw it, a large seal patrolling for I guess striped bass. Check please. I'm done. Desperate to bring one to hand I shamefully stopped at a bridge to finally catch one. Second cast I was in. That was all I 

needed so after a quick pic and release I was heading east. During my time on the Vineyard over the years I have never been to the beaches on the south side. So today I went to scout out South Beach which has more of a Jersey feel than what I'm looking for in the Vineyard. I'm sure it's fishy but I'll stick

with my hope and any chance of sight fishing. When I got back to E-town I stopped by Abbie Shuster's Kismet Outdoors and met up with store manager Stephen who helped me pick out a few winning flies and offered me the opportunity to tag along with him and a shop friend Lizzie for an afternoon outing. 

    I had been to the rocky part of this strip but not the long beach next to it. And then just like that the sun popped out. I was able to walk and look into the trough for any passing fish but saw none. But one thing I will say it was good to see my shadow for the first time today. Hopefully there will be more off that tomorrow. 

    We backtracked a bit and fished the end of the outgoing tide. We were able to spot some fish and each of us gave it a go with the hope of getting Lizzie her first striped bass on the fly before Stephen came in and closed the deal. While a majority of the fish around the 

island are small there are good fish here, out in the rips on Middle Ground, in the boulder fields around the island, and even on the flats from time to time. I ended up fishing an outflow before calling it quits 

for the day. There will be some late night fishing trips the more desperate I get to catch as the week rolls along. But for now I'm laser focused on finding and feeding them where I can see them. Once back in Tisbury I stopped by Bobby B's for some real food. A chicken caesar salad never tasted so good, even though it wasn't that good. I had to laugh when I stopped by the community bathroom at the Harbor Landing when I got home. I appreciated the sign, 

"Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds- Thank You". Then I looked over and saw the lone bar of soap and the hand that's just gross with a building full of strangers.