Tuesday, June 4, 2024

06.04.24 Reaquanting myself with the Island....

     It's been tough to focus on anything but Saturday morning around 130 am. That's when I leave for the Vineyard. I starting back to the places where I have fished over the 10 + years since I have been going there in June. I missed a few years around Covid but hopefully I'm back on track. 

     The places I haven't visited are some waters on the south side, Tisbury Great Pond, Oyster Pond and Edgartown Great Pond. I can remember the early morning coffee talks about the weather and what 

the plan was for the day. If you look at the Vineyard and the compass you can see what wind may be best, or worst for where you are fishing. What I always hoped for was no wind with bright bluebird 

skies. Wind creates ripples, or waves, and that distorts and makes seeing cruising striped bass at times impossible. Clouds aren't good either as then you can't pick up the shadows of the fish as the patrol the flats. Either way this trip will also be one of exploration and new experiences.