Monday, June 10, 2024

06.10.24 Keeping the tradition alive....

     It was ten years ago when I got the invite to join Steve, Bob, Gerry, Dick and Joe for a week up in Martha's Vineyard. So many good times over the years. I am thankful they turned me on to one of my now favorite places to fly fish for stupid bass. 

     Part of the tradition of the trip was Bob's "Coffee and a Fleye". Each morning he would grab a cup of coffee and tie up a fly that he thought would be needed for the day. Below is one of Bob's crab flies that

he tied up. So this morning I woke at 5 am and headed to the store for a coffee. The clouds were out and the wind was there but hopefully by the time I get going it will die off. When back at Harbor Landing 

I set up shop in the kitchen and started to tie up some Clousers. While Popovic's might have preferred some Jiggy's the Closer's will do the trick today, hopefully. Going back to some of the good times. One 

year Bobby couldn't make it so I had to post something up poking a little fun at him while he was back in New Jersey. It was a simple goof as all I needed was a Pop Fleye's hat and a couple strands of 

yellow bucktail. While I do like busting him a little bit from time to time, and don't think he doesn't give it back, I have nothing but love and respect for him and the guys who made the trip. Below is a great 

photo of the group from 2015. Just really, really, cool. One of my favorite fishing related pictures of all time. I wish we could get the band together for one more trip.