Wednesday, June 28, 2023

06.28.23 It's National Women's Flyfishing Day, but....

      This morning I saw a post from Orvis on their Facebook page. It was posting that today was National Women's Flyfishing Day. That's cool. That's really cool, I guess, but, like everything else these days, you can't make everyone happy. No matter what the topic, movement, or support you're trying to give, or sell.

     I remember way back in the day, 1985 to be exact, when Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is October, started. It was a good thing. It is a good thing. Then between 1985 and now every disease, cause, nationality, opinion, right, and opinion now has a month of it's own, well, many cross over. Now I'm not against raising awareness, to say, have guys get their prostate digitally assessed at their local Doctor's office, well know that Nurse Practitioner's can do that as well, but the overload of "months" loses it's appeal, interest and action. Just so you know September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. 

     All kidding aside, guys, get your prostate checked, it could save your life. Digital rectal exams are the first line of defense. It should start when you are 50 years old, but it seems like my doctor has been doing it longer than the last four years....mmmm. P.C. is the second leading cause of cancers amongst men with around 35,000 deaths reported each year. Black men are twice as likely to develop P.C than white men. According to studies, HERE, they say men who ejaculate greater than 20 times per month lowered their chance of getting prostate CA by 20%. If affects 1 in 8 men, so someone reading here is getting it, GET SCREENED! Okay, public service announcement is done.      

     So let me say some things. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to". Which, to me, kinda goes along with "it's my (and Orvis's) blog and I (and they) can post whatever they want to. Now, I'm an Orvis guy. Been one since I started fly in 1992 I think it was. I followed that through being a loyal customer, to Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide, and now a mix of customer and "Not an Orvis Endorsed Guide guy". I have had my own "problems" with Orvis, from things in the guide program, to some of their products, like earlier bootfoot waders, to the transition from the old school company culture to the newer one we see today. Yes, it's a progressive and liberal living culture there. Don't like it, shop some where else. It's a company, they have to make money, and have to make the greatest number of their customers happy. I respect a different opinion and culture and don't have to run away if someone, or a company, thinks differently, of course to a point. 

     When they first switched things up I saw the catalogues focused on the trucker-hat-young-no-money -sleep-in-their-truck-angler, and you know what, that was a bust. They don't but rods or gear! You have to follow the money, that's what pays your bills, your employees, your R & D, and allows your to share your monies with so many great causes, which they do, alot, no joking there. 

     So what can I equate this to. I remember when I started listening to Howard Stern in the mid-1980's. That's when he was with Imus and then went on his own with Robin, where he pushed things to levels unheard of in radio, or TV, or in print. People, mostly on the left, forget those days. They now look at 

him as some progressive friend of everyone, but how soon they forget, "Butt Bongo Fiesta" (the video above that must be viewed on You Tube, or CNN or MSNBC), or sitting girls on the Sybian, which was a vibrator attached to a saddle, or one of the big favs was when Howard would throw bologna slices and see if they could stick onto girls assess. How would that work today? How would the ladies on The View react if we sat them down and showed them the re-runs on live TV? But all of the current "in people" flock to be interviewed by him, and to be fair, he is a great interviewer. And he's a genius, because he's worth $650 million. What they said back in the day, "If you don't like it turn the channel"- like an early form of cancel culture. 

     I will have to say, for me, we don't need more "of this or those or that" in fly fishing, or anything else. We just need more quality people out there, regardless of who or what they are or what they believe in, to work with us and even learn and enjoy the sport of fly fishing. When I was working at Monmouth Medical Center they called a meeting with hospital management to have me and some other male nurses try to figure out how we "can get more men in nursing", right now we're at 13%. They wanted to send us out into local high schools and colleges. I opened by stating, "That is dumbest idea I've ever heard", adding "I don't care about men, women, white, black....we just need good solid nurses". The idea ended right there. I had even offered to do it if it could be a mix of men and women and anyone else they saw fit. Hope. Done. But hey, if someone or a company wants to celebrate or recruit a certain group into something, "It's their party....",

But you better be consistent.

    We have seen the Orvis' morph into a more inclusive look to their company. Maybe it was time. There was a joke that Orvis was all about rich old white guys and dog beds. Well that is no more. They show, promote, and support things that are more mainstream in line with what's going on in society. We saw that all that went on a few years ago and what is going on in just about every company in America, which isn't a bad thing, if it's done right. It's called D.E.I., I see it at my work at the college and in the hospital. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The goal is to support, promote, and recruit and underrepresented students and employees of different color and culture and sexual and gender identity and preference. Orvis does that, and, although at times not boldly, also shows their support of political ideology and positions. Again, "It's their party....". 

      Orvis has pushed to show how progressive they are over the last several years. And they can do whatever they want. Today, for National Women's Flyfishing Day they shared a collage of their associates, their employees, out and about enjoying the sport of fly fishing. Perfect. Case closed. Period. But wait.....Now, when Orvis comes to putting together a catalogue, or a video, or a statement, don't you think that every i is dotted and t crossed. When I first glanced at the post I thought to myself, "Well, that's very one shaded". Why? Do I normally notice that stuff? Not really, unless you have trained or have forced me too. Or unless you have made it a point to show and tell me your position and yada yada about all things right with the world and with your company. Taking a position, or a side does have consequences, "It's my party....." 

     When I scrolled through the comments this one caught my eye. Innocent enough. Spot on. But it was met with responses kinda like "How dare you say that" . You know what, it should have been noticed and said, because, you, Orvis, are selling, well better put incorporating D.E.I. Everyone is, or is trying to, well Bud Light I think would like a mulligan on that. I think their losses are around 27 billion dollars. Ouch. 

     It does become a "game" of risk vs gain. It's a business. You have your base (the ones that spend the most money consistently). And you have potential customers, ones you hope to get when parts of the base leave, which they do. Companies may say, "We don't want their money anyway". I don't believe that for a minute.  Just ask the Bud Light folks. And you better be sure the audience you are trying to align yourself with has the same bankroll the ones who might leave do, or it's a net loss, no matter how warm and fuzzy everyone feels. 

    I remember a year or so ago the cover of the catalogue was shot by Brian Grossenbacher in I think Minneapolis, which was ground zero of the civil arrest a few years back. I wrote a little about it then, HERE. Now taking a position or a change in culture at a company can attract a new customer base. It may even pay off in the bottom line, but it's very risky and doesn't come without drama. But hey, a lot of companies say bad press is good press. The name is out there and people are talking about you. But I am not in the board rooms at the Mother Ship in Vermont. What I do see is, is money, and lots of it, that is takes to enjoy the full Orvis experience as it is sold online, in print, and in the air (culture) of Orvis. 

    I ask, without a need for an answer, Who is booking and or taking trips to North America (okay maybe), Saltwater Tropics, South America, Europe or New Zealand? It ain't me that's for sure. Not the guy who sweats buying new stuff and has reels so worn the spare spools can't be interchanged because of the grooves and 9 foot rods that are now 8'5". What is my point here- be careful what you wish for. Now it seems Orvis has the balls to back up their decisions to move the company in any direction it wants. And why would supporting fellow human beings be a bad thing- it's not, in any way. What is bad, or leaves a bad taste in some paying peoples mouths, is when we, customers, have to be force fed how our fly gear supplier, any of them, acts and feels, while implying what is right and just and that we should feel the same way also. 

     So that brings me to the post. I am sure you have tons of DEI going on over at Orvis. Your workforce I am sure is very, very, very diverse. You support and preach it, so I'm sure it's like that, and not just in the lower paying retail jobs. So if not in the Vermont headquarters then across the country and beyond for sure. So if you're going to make a post that shows none of that, get ready for someone, like Keith, to notice and say something. But then there's those that will get after Keith for having the audacity to notice something, like I did, as soon as I saw it. See below,

    What's funny is that it's a bunch of rich white guys calling Keith out. So to wrap this all up, June is PRIDE Month. Early in the month Orvis posted their position of support for the LGBTQIA+ community and the month that celebrates Pride.  

     "It's their party.....". And I say that because I would hope, while it's not true, that most people and companies in America support, or if not, don't not-support, said community. But that's pie in the sky for me to think. What I do think is most people support, or don't support or not support, they just don't care and need to be told who supports or not. Orvis does, and "It's their party...." Done. But, that means a consumer, who may support or not, has their right to choose to support or not a company that needs to proclaim their position, support or opinion, on anything that has to do with anything. See below, 

     Now, that's Randy's party, he can say and do what he feels. It's America. It's his own money he is spending it. He has choices, just like Orvis, or any other company, like Anheuser-Bush does. 

     I think no matter where we go with this it comes down to this. If you're going to talk the talk, then walk the walk, or, you'll be called out, and at times, rightfully so. No worries. Your effort to support and or gain new clients more in line with your own culture may cause others to separate themselves from you. And that is okay all the way around. 

     And as June comes to an end and we move on from PRIDE Month and National Women's Flyfishing Day. And what do we have to look forward to? Well, it's a wide range of things that we celebrate or stand and support. If you want to see a partial list of over 70 things that July is, see HERE

Some are; National Baked Beans Month, Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, International Women with Alopecia Month (easy Chris Rock), Mango and Melon Month, National Cord Blood Awareness Month, and Eggplant and Lettuce Month. There are a ton more. 

      I am not sure if Orvis, or any other fly fishing related company will proclaim their support for any of them from the long and varied list, but if they do, remember you have a choice to get on or off their bus, without fear or ridicule, as long as your words and actions aren't insensitive, well moreso hurtful, to another human being or group. Now get those beans going, July and National Baked Beans Month is only a few days away!