Sunday, June 25, 2023

06.25.23 Nice way to end a great weekend...


      What a weekend! It's nice when a plan goes together and pretty much goes as planned. For me this weekend it was Friday to Sunday. Let me start with fishing. By Sunday evening I was beat but I had a 

good river tide and the ominous weather in the sky was holding out so I took advantage of an empty house and went fishing. I started with a walk and wade trip on a very skinny incoming tide and landed

a cute, but nice, smallmouth bass. By the time I fished through I was soaked from the 150% humidity and was ready to shed the waders and jump across the state line. As the water filled in on the flood tide the fish moved in and were looking to eat. I had them on small flies, had some interest in the eel fly, and 

then later with a bigger fly. No keeper sized bass but these were feisty and healthy schoolie bass to 25 inches, just a perfect way to end the weekend. While the river is low the rain, cloud cover, and time of tides is keeping the river fishable. Two made it to the tank and one was a quick catch, photo and release. 

     The big event this weekend was the girls graduation party. We had some rain but the timing of it and  having the right sized tent, with sides for an extra $500, kept the guests and the band high and dry when 

it deluged. Friday day and into the night was spent running around getting last minute things and the cooking and baking done. It was all hands on deck and we couldn't have done it without all the help. 

     This was a BIG family party with just about the entire fan damily present. Tara came from Texas, Mom was here from Florida and my sister and nieces came from Saranac Lake. We had a bunch of friends as well. Leif and Delaware Joe and his wife came and the talk, for hours, was all fly and striped bass fishing, Joe's wife is a real trooper handing in listening to these guys for a long, long time. I am glad they got to meet each other. Our friends from Long Island came, Neil, and his wife, ok Kathy, 

made the trek and they spent the night after a great post-party hang. There was cornhole, bubbles, badmitten and all the food and drink you could want. It was just a great way to celebrate Lauren and Erin's accomplishments of graduating college and high school.  

     In truck news I found a pair of step rails for the truck on Facebook Marketplace for $50 and for another $10 got a like-new spare that will replace whatever is welded up underneath the truck currently. Soon the truck bed, cap, and tailgate will be off and I'll be making a flatbed for it. 

Part of the flatbed design will be a rod rack for the fly rods. If I can get a rear sliding window for it it might be like a vertical stand that sits on the bed so the rods can go through the window into the cab. She's a good ride, strong for 255,000 miles and 21 years old.