Sunday, April 30, 2023

04.30.23 Mother Nature turned the shower on...

     I can't complain. In fact I welcome the rain. Luckily I mowed the grass Thursday before it started. You can't be concerned about drought like conditions and then complain when the rivers up and you get wet. In my parts we've had 2.93" of rain in the last 48 hours and it seems it'll stick around today. 

     It's actually been a nice steady rain. Not like things have been recently, you know 45 to 115 degrees, no rain then 4 inches in an hour, this has been steady, steady enough for the ground and wells to catch up to it. Rivers off color a tad, turbidity about 7, which isn't all too bad and there's no trees coming

down the river. Been throwing black herring flies which I like in off color water, then I went to a bunch of different combos before just settling in with a popper. Can't thank Bunky enough for this shitty little starter wading stick he gave me last year. I can say since it's save my ass a bunch of times. I've been 

out daily, not doing the two a day thing as of late. Yesterday morning we had a funeral to attend, the sweet woman who we bought the house from passed away. We finally got to meet all 7 of her daughters that they raised in this house at the same time. Today it was just an AM outing before the rain started. 

We came upon something someone might want and it will be interesting how this return journey goes. I'll give it some time before I post it to avoid the scammers and liars. Let's say someone will be sick 

to their stomach when they realize that something isn't where it should be. Below are the numbers so I have them as a reference when I check back to this date in a few years.