Tuesday, August 15, 2023

08.16.23 Happy Birthday Ryan, a few days early....

     It's been a thing I do every August 18th since Ryan passed in 2017. I make sure I make my way down to Ryan's Rock on the Phillips Ave groin and spend some time. This morning I had to be down in Monmouth County so I went fishing. I had planned on coming back Friday, which is the 18th, but today would do. It's funny how routines and rituals arise after someone's death, or a day of remembrance after either a tragedy or joyous occasion. I don't know if they do more good or bad. 

     Of course it deluged last night. It's a new weather system that we in the Northeast are now accustomed to, at least for this year. Rain. Lots of it. All in short order. As I made my way down 195 the rain and weather wasn't too far behind. When I got to the ocean it was clear but soon grew dark. I had put on my rain jacket anticipating the rain that never came. I can say, after an hour I was soaked to my drawers because the dew-point was 75. It was humid to say the least. 

     I found two groins occupied by anglers so I made my way to the third and made casts up and down the beach without a tap. If you look at the above pic you can see an all to familiar landscape. Plenty of shoaling on the south side with water and maybe a deeper spot here and there on the north side that makes it's way up the beach. The problem with this pattern is you just lose any structure and finding a 

good trough is hard to come by. That's why anglers work the rocks because exiting water at least creates some structure and current. But for me I couldn't find a fish. 

     I was on Brighton and though on calling it a morning figuring I'd be back on Friday. Besides, Ryan and his Rock haven't been kind to me in the last six years. Maybe I caught one small bass perched on his rock, if that. But I was here, I had some time, so I made the walk to Phillips. 

     When I got to his rock clouds were covering the sun. I made some casts just waiting for him to finally give up a fish, it's like an ongoing joke that we have. Then I put on the song that reminds me so much of him, Blackbird, performed by Paul McCartney. As soon as the song started to play I could 

could feel an intense warmth from the sun on my face. It was well, like a sign. I know that stuff can be hokey but you know what I felt it, and needed it also. It brought me great joy and a feeling like I didn't need to come back on Friday. I was good. So of course not a bite and I turned and chalked it up to 

another skunk on his rock. I know, one morning, I'll catch that all out blitz of striped bass chasing bait and that too will be good. 

     Before I left I made my way to some different rocks and had a fluke torpedo out between the rocks for one of my flies but I didn't react quick enough. In a span of 10 minutes I landed two other fluke.

      So today was a good day. I spent some time if you will with Ryan. Caught up with Sean at Rook at the Little Silver train station. Grabbed Erin and went to Bed-Stuy to see Juliet and finished up the day with Lauren when she dropped by for a visit. Tomorrow it's a dinner date with Lauren and Brandon and then Thursday the same with Patrick and Infiniti. The only one I won't see is Tara down in Texas but I will reach out to catch up in the next few days. 

     There's something beautiful seeing your kids grow into adults and run their own lives, but there's sometimes sad about it also. I realize any time spent with them is a blessing, in person, or in memory.